My Psychic Studio is in a tiny Midwest town, on a tree canopied lane of wonderful serenity. Lined with trees, and a few small houses, my environment resembles more a camp ground you would find next to a lake, then a city street. Two of these houses are mine, one in which I live in with my husband and our many rescued animal kids. My other house is exclusively my Psychic Studio. Since we live in a Bible Belt, I refer to my business as “Intuitive Work.” It is important for me to be accepted in my town, and though there are some who will disagree with what I do for a living, most know me as down to earth, with an artistic property that is well mowed and kept up. Not a flower pot is out of place!

I love quality sculptures, and my Angel is over 300 pounds, delivered to her spot facing West, {the direction of playfulness and mystery}. She came to me flying in suspended from a boom truck in 2001. Facing North is my Basalt sculpture, Athena, the direction of business and money. Here is where the arch stands, and the client enters and walks the short path to the front door of my studio.

My Welcome Office/Kitchen
I strive to give my clients a peaceful setting so at all times, even when I’m not at home, Native American flute, essential oils and Himalayan Salt Lamps fill the vibration of my studio with love and balance. It is my belief that the vibration of music, creates the essence of what people feel when first entering the door. And it smells great too!

On entering my retro 50’s Psychic abode, my welcoming office/ kitchen is filled with sunlight and plants. I am a Plant Alchemist, meaning House plants are magical to me as well as O2 enhancers. Rarely does a plant die in my care, and it is a sign that I am a nurturing and loyal person.
Coffee and a Reading

My Cafe Booth is authentic from the 50’s and once sat in a small town restaurant where burgers and malts were served. It is a happy antique and when I first brought it in to my studio, I would come in the door hearing laughter and happy voices. As soon as I was fully in the door, it stopped. I didn’t mind. Joy is always welcome. The “Cafe Voices” no longer happen, probably because I white sage my studio once a month. I do this to assure the energy is pure for all my clients. When giving people a choice of where to have their reading, this is usually the spot coffee drinkers and party lovers decide on. You just can’t escape the festive feeling. Tarot, Coffee and occasional Spirits are here.
Palm Reading Room – Heart of the Studio

The heart of my house is where I give Palm Readings, as well as Messages for clients who like cushy furniture and a view of my gardens. Many choose this room. It is inviting, neutral and is very relaxing.. The music comes from this room, and lots of fresh air in the summer from an open door.
The Privacy Room – For Groups who want Separate Readings

This is my Privacy Room, for small groups that visit, but would rather read separately. The country table is straight from someone’s farm house and has seen many meals. Its energy is very solid, a little primitive, and a great place to read cards. In back, the brown camel hair square chair? I saw in a dream. The first antique store I walked in to had my dream chair in it. Evidently I was supposed to rescue it. The other chair you can not see is an Antique Lazy Boy…one of the first ever made with lovely Victorian velvet train upholstery. I purchased it because I felt the presence of a happy man who loved people, in it. I am attracted to joyful energy.
The Pot Head Room – Visitors for the Winter

Last but not least, this is the room adjoining the entrance hall, where my Pot Heads are on display. In the summer the Pot Heads are dispersed throughout half an acre of gardens, but in the winter they come together, gazing out the window in a room that is eternal Christmas, filled with white lights and lots of plants. This room must feel magical as Clients have been known to leave small trinkets in in for protection and a blessing. I like calling it my “Pot Head Room.”
Maries Safe Haven – A Unique Psychic Experience

A visit to my studio is unique, with path ways through half an acre of gardens, and a studio filled with soothing house plant Alchemy. I call my Studio “Maries Safe Haven” to assure clients this is a place of love and positive energy, and all readings will be accurate, honest but most of all compassionate to feelings. I will treat you like a friend. Readings one to one at my studio, are on discount. If you need me from far away, you can schedule a reading at
With over 40 years reading experience, advising for two National Psychic lines since 2001, Best Psychics Directory and Keen, as well as hosting my own radio show on Achieve Holistic Radio since 2010, it is my mission to offer Accurate, Honest and Compassionate readings filled with seasoned empathy. Get a Private reading at an affordable cost by phone and at my studio, “Maries Safe Haven.”