Tag: Ann Marie O’Dell


  With July ending, I find myself no longer interested in gardens and preparing myself for winter. This year I tell myself as an owner of huge dogs, I need insulated leather chaps over my jeans. As I sail in midair on icy concrete not on a Harley, but behind my hounds’ fury and drive,… Read more »

Intuition, Menopause, Tribal Support

Though I have always had the gift of Intuitive Vision, in my Estrogen years the way I perceived the world and myself would crash into a sort of self-pity and loneliness two weeks before my period.  My reality was tinged of course, not by my true positive character, but the internal storm of my hormones…. Read more »

Things Unsaid

I have noticed that most horribly out of control events in life happen for a reason. When you follow a horrific event, someone was afraid to speak out. Silence and shame are when lives and personalities change, When it all goes wrong, it’s too late. The small dramas in life make us who we are. … Read more »

The Healer – The Odd Child

It started when she was very young. Her hands were often hot, and people were drawn to her “listening” eyes. A source she felt deep within made her seem mature beyond her years. At school, she was not popular and did not fit in. Seldom lonely, she found being around people exhausting. Her ability to… Read more »

“The Woman Card” – Knight of Swords

Recent comments by Donald Trump have indicated this is the era of “the woman card”. When reading on exactly what Tarot card would represent women in this era I get “Knight of Swords” who can be both a positive or negative person, depending on  what surrounds them.  They can be the rescuer, the champion, an… Read more »

Maries Safe Haven – My Psychic Studio

Should you read Tarot for Yourself? It’s like hiring yourself to be a therapist for you. It isn’t unusual when reading one’s own cards to keep asking the same question in different ways until the answer most desired comes through. When one’s own negative inner chatter surfaces through the reading it’s like self sabotage.

Text Message Relationships – Modern Limbo * Dating

TEXT MESSAGE ROMANCE can be frustratingly “safe” and non committed. You yearn to hear their voice and have face to face. Dating has become “text text, go to bed, distancing, break up.” Here’s the cure. When you first get the text “want to go out?” YOU text back “Call me for my answer.” WHY? You… Read more »

Soul Scent – Haunting Attraction

Wearing an old shirt or coat filled with the scent of a loved one or friend after a break up, divorce or death, brings them back to us. Soul Scents are our signature.

Eye Contact & Listening = Empowerment

So often we look to feel good about ourselves by what we see in others eyes, reflecting back at us. Oprah Winfrey once said the way to eliminate identity anxiety is learning how to climb into the head of the ones we speak with, listening as if we are in their shoes going through their… Read more »

Prayers to the Angels *

The red heart dream catcher swayed in the window breeze. Laura lay on her side on the bed whispering a prayer to her angels, “Let me love someone nice, not the ones that hurt me.”  She was addicted to anxiety, and even though everyone saw her “strong,” when she was in love she became a… Read more »