As morning rays glow, and birds sing in heavenly choir, I stand with a hoe in hand, a tool belt around my waist and a battery operated hedge trimmer close by. As a Master Gardener who graduated in a class at Rockwell City prison, every half an hour a pause for inmate count, I… Read more »
Word Essence – Email Readings
An Email Reading consists of Four Direct Questions, pertaining to one specific subject. Your thoughts are frozen in time and carry your essence. How you may ask? Every day we carry our inner feelings through our body language. The words we choose, also, carry powerful subliminal messages, which we may THINK hide our true feelings. … Read more »
Ethical Psychic Reading Code
The following ethical psychic reading code is one in which I have followed for years. The rules are simple. No Psychic or Healer is a God, but a simple person who offers intuitive readings based on clarity, compassion and for the better good of their client. For me, it is “do unto others as you… Read more »
Why You Should Not Read Tarot For Yourself
Have you ever tried to make sense to a sister, or best friend, about an emotional issue they were convinced was truth, but you saw differently? A wide chasm of boundaries wrapped around denial and emotional intensity, makes anything not in agreement the enemy. Please know when you read Tarot for yourself, you… Read more »
Compassionate Pet Death
As an Animal Rescuer I have seen many beloved pets die from old age to Cancer. When our white Manx became unexpectedly thin, holding her head upwards beneath faucets but unable to drink the water flowing out of it, a trip to our vet gave us the news that she had jaw Cancer. Afraid she… Read more »
“The Woman Card” – Knight of Swords
Recent comments by Donald Trump have indicated this is the era of “the woman card”. When reading on exactly what Tarot card would represent women in this era I get “Knight of Swords” who can be both a positive or negative person, depending on what surrounds them. They can be the rescuer, the champion, an… Read more »
Maries Safe Haven – My Psychic Studio
Should you read Tarot for Yourself? It’s like hiring yourself to be a therapist for you. It isn’t unusual when reading one’s own cards to keep asking the same question in different ways until the answer most desired comes through. When one’s own negative inner chatter surfaces through the reading it’s like self sabotage.
Soul Scent – Haunting Attraction
Wearing an old shirt or coat filled with the scent of a loved one or friend after a break up, divorce or death, brings them back to us. Soul Scents are our signature.