New Car or Tornado Shelter?

05/21/2013 Ann Marie {Sending prayers to the victims of the storm} Funny how life is.  Just the other week we were pouring our hard earned cash into a billion dollar lotto ticket dream with odds of  actually winning 176 million to one. Yet we could taste it and feel it like that billion was already… Read more »

MAGNATISEM * What is It?

She was beautiful, but not exceptional.  In fact when you first met her she was nothing special. Yet each day at work she took on a warmth that could only be described as “Magnetic”.  People listened, men stared, and she fit in everywhere.  What was it?! SHE ADAPTED TO CHANGE Though she hurt like everyone… Read more »

Prairie Crone – Intuition, Menopause, Tribal Support

Though I have always had the gift of Intuitive Vision, in my Estrogen years the way I perceived the world and myself would crash into a sort of self pity and loneliness two weeks before my period. My reality was tinged of course not by my true positive character, but the internal storm of my… Read more »

2/20/2013 * How to Distance-Heal Pets and Loved Ones * Ann Marie at Achieve Radio

Ann Marie discusses the imagery, intuitive process and teachings of Diane Stein on healing loved ones and pets from a distance. Call In Readings follow.

2/13/13 Good Vibe Food for Spiritual Circles * Joseph, Lana and Annie

Join us in the Achieve Soul Kitchen as we offer Good Vibe Food recipes and live call in wisdom. Dr. Rev. Victoria Lanakila offers Reiki energy treats, Artist/Author and Spiritualist Joseph Grych brings tarot and comfort food. Call 888-235-7374 for wisdom and readings.

Be Fulfilled Today. Success Redefined * Gail McMeekin Interview

 TO LISTEN: Gail McMeekin at Achieve Radio with Ann Marie Her work has been featured on television and radio as well as in major publications such as Redbook, Shape, Woman’s Day, Health, The Boston Globe, and The Sunday New York Times. Are you waiting for a Masters Degree, Oprah Appearance, Relationship or best selling… Read more »